Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Why I want to be a Teacher!!!

Being in field was great and it helped me realize, I love teaching. I knew when I was younger I wanted to be a teacher because I loved working with kids. As I got older I changed my major to nursing because I was interested in medicine. After returning from my LDS mission,  I realized I didn't want to be a nurse but I wanted to become a teacher. I feel one thing that helped me in my decision of becoming a teacher was serving a mission because not only was I able to serve others, I was able to teach them. Another thing that guided my decision in becoming a teacher was my dad's example. My dad has been a teacher my whole life and I wanted to follow his example. The last reason and most important reason why I wanted to become a teacher was because I wanted to change students' lives. Getting an education is so important and so if I can help in the process I will. I want each child to know they are smart and special even if no one ever tells them they are.

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