Tuesday, April 1, 2014

5 DiMenSioNs of dIFFeRenTiaTioN

Above are the 5 dimensions to consider when trying to differentiate in your classroom. As you can see YOU as the teacher are the one who determines how much differentiation will take place. Will you differentiate your classroom to meet the learning needs of your students? Differentiating your classroom is a great way to set you apart from other teachers and create an environment for learning. As you differentiate the content you are able to teach to the learning needs of each student and help them learn and retain  information. The content and instructional strategies go hand in hand because as you differentiate the how you teach the content you will also be changing the way you instruct your students. I think about my teachers growing up and how they differentiated their instruction; honestly I think they should've been told more about the importance of differentiating in the classroom. How YOU differentiate in your classroom will help you receive a finished product. How well do you want your students to do by the end of the school year? If you want them to succeed and enjoy learning I have learned YOU have to differentiate!!!! 

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