Friday, April 25, 2014

The most useful things I have learned from Differentiation

This next week will be the last week of my differentiation class. I feel I have learned so much about differentiation and why we differentiate in our classroom. In class this semester I have learned about morning meetings, dimensions of differentiation, contracts, cubing/think dice, think-tac-toe, learning menus, etc. All of these tool boxes go hand in hand especially with instruction. I want to incorporate so many things into my instruction to differentiate my classroom. Although differentiation can seem daunting and overwhelming, I have learned it is vital to differentiate if you want your students to succeed. I think about my elementary experiences and why I struggled learning concepts and I feel if my teachers would have differentiated I would've enjoyed school more. I want to be a teacher where learning can occur because I differentiated to meet the needs of my students.

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