Sunday, March 16, 2014

Time for Field!!!!

Tomorrow is my first day of field work which means going into the schools and working with a second grade class for 3 weeks!!!!! I am so excited especially to be able to incorporate differentiation into my instruction. I think one of the biggest things I am going to try to do is teach to the needs of my students. How am I going to do that in such a short amount of time you might ask... I feel it is simple, get to know what your students' like and dislike. Learn their strengths and weaknesses and seek to help them overcome their weaknesses by gaining more confidence in their abilities. I feel in order to be a good teacher I will need to meet the needs of my students to the best of my abilities. I am excited for this adventure I am going to be on for the next 3 weeks. Yahooooooo!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I will be anxious to hear what you have attempted, and how it has turned out for you! 5 pts.
