Sunday, February 9, 2014

Hallmarks Continued...

As I mentioned in the last post, Hallmarks in a differentiated classroom help you as the teacher learn how to meet the needs of your students. Here are the last 4 Hallmarks and the things I feel are important for you as a teacher in know in your classroom:

  1. "Respectful" and Engaging Work for all students: the best way for me to remember this hallmark is to "go outside of the dotted line"and teach the your students' needs, allowed them to be challenged. So often teacher give students worksheets because they know students need practice but just because you give them worksheets doesn't mean they are going to achieve greatness!! They need good instruction in order to become great!!! 
  2. Proactive thinking and planning for differentiated pathways: this is simple: plan ahead in your teaching to meet the needs of individual students. 
  3. Flexible Grouping: in order to help meet the needs of our students we as teachers need to be flexible in our grouping of students. I was told, "flexible grouping is a colorful classroom." Let us apply this in our teaching and be flexible with our students: be aware of their needs and interests. 
  4. Flexible use of time, space, and materials: we need to be willing to help our students succeed and in order to do that we need to realize there is more than one way to do things: be flexible with materials, time, and space. 
As you apply these hallmarks into your teaching, you will see your students succeed!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Again, beyond a review of course content, and course reading, you need to include personal ideas and insights. 4 pts.
