Saturday, January 25, 2014

Morning Meetings!!!

I have often asked myself what the benefit of morning meetings is and if they actually help the students in the classroom. I was under the impression that morning meetings were something you did at the beginning of the day to let students talk while you as the teacher were taking roll. I thought this because this is what I had observed in previous classrooms I have been in. I was wrong in my thinking, after experiencing morning meetings first hand, I have realized they are a key factor to having management in the classroom.  Morning meetings are supposed to be fun for students and help them learn about content, plans for the day, and each other. A typical morning meeting consists of four areas:

  1. Greeting: Students and teachers greet one another by asking their name and getting to know them. 
  2. Sharing: Students share information about events in their life. After students share they ask students if they have any questions or comments to clarify the shared information. 
  3. Group Activity: This interactive activity is for all students to get their "wiggles" out, and build social and academic skills. Some activities include dancing, singing songs, playing games, etc. 
  4. Morning Message: The point of the morning message is for students to understand what will be happening throughout the day. Students will read this message from the teacher as a class. 
Although I am not a teacher yet, I plan on using morning meetings in my instruction daily. I feel you as a teacher benefit because you are able to know the needs of your students. Most students don't learn the same way and because of this, it is vital to differentiate in the classroom, starting with Morning Meetings. 

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